Wednesday, October 15, 2014


There were several things that can be reflected upon by this project. From the proposal to the blog, there were many things that went as planned, but other points that changed. In all, the study was successful overall.

The goal of the spring 2014 semester was to gather data while in Spain and use the information collected for a photo documentary blog. Each location selected was to have its own post within the blog with its location, cost, transportation, transportation cost from Segovia, Spain, accessibility of the location, the history of the location, and its cultural significance to Spain with a minimum of five hundred words per post and three photos with captions per location. The locations selected at the time of the proposal were the Acueducto de Segovia, Catedral de Segovia, Belchite, the Escorial Monastery and the Valley of the Fallen Monument, the Museo de Segovia, the Alcázar de Segovia, the Iglesia de Vera Cruz, Tenerife Island, the Granja de San Ildefonso, the Museo Arqueológico Nacional, the Museo Nacional del Prado, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía. This will be followed by a comparative analysis and conclusion to be completed in the fall 2014 semester as a final post, addressing how historic sites and museums are presented in Spain and how they are similar and differ from those in the United States.

In reality, the blog locations changed slightly from the original proposal. The locations of the Acueducto de Segovia, the Catedral de Segovia, the Escorial Monastery and the Valley of the Fallen Monument, the Museo de Segovia, the Alcázar de Segovia, the Iglesia de Vera Cruz, Tenerife Island, the Granja de San Ildefonso, the Museo Nacional del Prado, and the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía were completed. However, being somewhat restricted by financial causes and public transportation made some of the locations difficult to plan. The city of Toledo was substituted in for Belchite due to transportation issues. The Museo Arqueológico Nacional was additionally not completed, as a result of the museum being closed to reconstruction.

Apart from the changes in locations, the blog overall went well. Each location was visited within its timeframe, followed by the blog post and corresponding photos. Each post met the criteria from the blog, which made the blog successful in meeting its requirements. With this, the analysis for the fall semester will be completed.

As a whole, the project was successful in its completion. Not everything went according to the proposal, but was completed to a full extent. Even with a few changes to the proposal locations, the general idea of the blog’s posts as how historic sites and museums are presented in Spain was accomplished. 

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